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Rabu, 28 Mei 2008


I’ll tell you more about emos fashion, hohoho… Emo fashion is characterized as distinctly non-fashionable and also often associated with a certain fashion, keeping with the movement's theme of showing little to no interest in all aspects of society. Emo individuals perceive themselves to be outcasts and dress accordingly so as to avoid any appearance of attempting conformity and falling short.

Emo boys often sport shaggy locks, although for males less emphasis is placed on dying the hair black. Men tend to wear too-small t-shirts and baggy pants, often with a studded black belt. The same preference for thrift goods applies, and jewelry still tends to be all-natural and as tight as is possible.

Emo girls tend to have short, dyed-black hair with the bangs cut straight across, usually done by the individual herself or by a friend, shunning the processed, rubber-stamped appearance of mainstream hairstyles. Jewelry, including facial and other body piercings, is quite common and is kept as natural as is possible wooden and hemp accessories are extremely popular, and are, again, often homemade. Clothes follow suit, ranging from thrift store finds to handsewn skirts and shirts, often comprised of multiple fabrics combined into one article of clothing. Vintage articles are trendy for members of the emo subculture, including 70s style shoes and jackets.

Emo boys and girls alike wear thick or horn-rimmed glasses and often carry backpacks or messenger bags littered with pins from assorted emo bands or bearing anti-establishment, pro-underground slogans. Emo dress tends to follow lines of nonconformity almost without exception, but individual styles may vary as long as they continue to emphasize secondhand goods or a general expression of indifference toward current fashion trends.

Emo is also often associated with a certain fashion. The term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirts (sometimes short sleeved) which often bear the names of rock bands (or other designer shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses. Emo fashion has changed with time. Early trends included straight, unparted hair, tightly fitting sweaters, button-down shirts, and work jackets.

So, this is some pointers about emo fashions. I hope, it’ll be help you to get your real emo (^^,)…

ü the Emo Romulan look - short, thick, greasy, dyed-black hair with bangs cut straight across the forehead, and cut high over the ears. Someone from Time In Malta recently described to me the San Diego Crimson Curse scene as "Spock Rock."

ü actually, any greasy dyed black hair. Bangs in front and spikes in back is very emo too.

ü horn-rim glasses, or at least thick black frames.

ü bald head, furry face (boys only). Goes especially well with horn-rims.

ü heavy slacks, often too tight and short.

ü thin, too-small polyester button-ups in dark colors, or threadbare children's size t-shirts with random slogans. Button the collar if you got one.

ü clunky black shoes

ü scarves

ü gas station jackets. This has diffused a lot over the years though, it's no longer exclusive to emo kids. Nowadays, you may want to select a nice corduroy denim jacket.

ü also classic outerwear but quickly diffusing to normality: the famous Blue Peacoat

ü barrettes on boys

ü make-up (male or female)

ü too-small cardigans and v-neck sweaters

ü argyle

ü anorexic thinness. Veganism helps here.

How ‘bout that???

Much point to get emo dress, just enjoy it. And be the real emo!!!! (^^<)

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