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Rabu, 28 Mei 2008


I’ll tell you more about emos fashion, hohoho… Emo fashion is characterized as distinctly non-fashionable and also often associated with a certain fashion, keeping with the movement's theme of showing little to no interest in all aspects of society. Emo individuals perceive themselves to be outcasts and dress accordingly so as to avoid any appearance of attempting conformity and falling short.

Emo boys often sport shaggy locks, although for males less emphasis is placed on dying the hair black. Men tend to wear too-small t-shirts and baggy pants, often with a studded black belt. The same preference for thrift goods applies, and jewelry still tends to be all-natural and as tight as is possible.

Emo girls tend to have short, dyed-black hair with the bangs cut straight across, usually done by the individual herself or by a friend, shunning the processed, rubber-stamped appearance of mainstream hairstyles. Jewelry, including facial and other body piercings, is quite common and is kept as natural as is possible wooden and hemp accessories are extremely popular, and are, again, often homemade. Clothes follow suit, ranging from thrift store finds to handsewn skirts and shirts, often comprised of multiple fabrics combined into one article of clothing. Vintage articles are trendy for members of the emo subculture, including 70s style shoes and jackets.

Emo boys and girls alike wear thick or horn-rimmed glasses and often carry backpacks or messenger bags littered with pins from assorted emo bands or bearing anti-establishment, pro-underground slogans. Emo dress tends to follow lines of nonconformity almost without exception, but individual styles may vary as long as they continue to emphasize secondhand goods or a general expression of indifference toward current fashion trends.

Emo is also often associated with a certain fashion. The term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirts (sometimes short sleeved) which often bear the names of rock bands (or other designer shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses. Emo fashion has changed with time. Early trends included straight, unparted hair, tightly fitting sweaters, button-down shirts, and work jackets.

So, this is some pointers about emo fashions. I hope, it’ll be help you to get your real emo (^^,)…

ü the Emo Romulan look - short, thick, greasy, dyed-black hair with bangs cut straight across the forehead, and cut high over the ears. Someone from Time In Malta recently described to me the San Diego Crimson Curse scene as "Spock Rock."

ü actually, any greasy dyed black hair. Bangs in front and spikes in back is very emo too.

ü horn-rim glasses, or at least thick black frames.

ü bald head, furry face (boys only). Goes especially well with horn-rims.

ü heavy slacks, often too tight and short.

ü thin, too-small polyester button-ups in dark colors, or threadbare children's size t-shirts with random slogans. Button the collar if you got one.

ü clunky black shoes

ü scarves

ü gas station jackets. This has diffused a lot over the years though, it's no longer exclusive to emo kids. Nowadays, you may want to select a nice corduroy denim jacket.

ü also classic outerwear but quickly diffusing to normality: the famous Blue Peacoat

ü barrettes on boys

ü make-up (male or female)

ü too-small cardigans and v-neck sweaters

ü argyle

ü anorexic thinness. Veganism helps here.

How ‘bout that???

Much point to get emo dress, just enjoy it. And be the real emo!!!! (^^<)

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

EMO "screamo"

Hummm, this is my second post. Hohoho, I’ve got dizzy for a lil, but I’ll keep trying to write over n over again. Okey, this time I’ll post about “emo”. Actually, I just know emo as far as my self. I do not judge my self as an emo, but they (my friend n some stranger said) that I’m look like emo. I don’t know. So tell me now, am I look like an emo girl??? Hohoho…

Okey, the emo style is a lifestyle, quiet aloof, emotional, sensitive. Emo is a broad title that covers a lot of different styles of emotionally-charged punk rock and it’s a style of rock music, As such, use of the term has been the subject of much debate. Hufff, it’s make me dizzy again (^^,). In the mid 80s, the term emo described a subgenre of hardcore punk which originated in the Washington, D.C. music scene. which describes several independent variations of music with common stylistic roots. People usually pair this kind of life (emo life ^_^) with the liability of committing suicides, but it's not fair. The members of emo groups usualy think about the big things in life, the meaning of this life, and what they got, and what is that they should give. It's a kind of outcry to the world of casuality. Despite of that they are looking blue, they prefer happiness and freedom, and nothing like sitting in the dark corners and crying. Cause of the emo hair style, the emo clothes, the lots of sheperd staff that the emo s wearing they are mark out from the many, like the punks, the parents of this lifestyle. Hohoho, so that way emo become awesome (my pure opinion, hihihi…). Starting in the mid 90s, the term emo began to refer to the indie scene, which itself was an offshoot of the first wave of emo. The so-called "indie emo" scene survived until the late 90s, as many of the bands either disbanded or shifted to mainstream styles. As the remaining indie emo bands entered the mainstream, newer bands began to emulate the mainstream style. As a result, the term "emo" became a vaguely defined identifier rather than a specific genre of music.

Now, wanna know more abou emo???

I’ll tell u more…

This is about emo style, but I’m confuse. Because, there’re much kind of emo style, ex : The indie emo look, The nerdy emo look, The dressy emo look. Huff (*=*)… so, this is the explanation of all.

indie emo look : Dyed-black short hair with bangs short and cut straight across the forehead. Spikey in the back, slightly greasy. Really light blonde hair on girls often works too--Piercings. The more the better-Jewelry. The more the better. Beads, etc-Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types)-Tight, fadded shirts with random slogans. It should look like it could have been bought at a thrift store but you didn't (but you really did). It takes a while to master that one-Dark denim jean jackets--Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you actually bought at shows)--Tight pants, sometimes cuffed once or twice but never more--Black or blue converse shoes.

nerdy emo look : Short hair. Style it messy, but not spikey--Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types)--Thin, tight, solid dark color v-neck sweaters. I call them Grandpa sweaters--Band shirts--Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you bought at Hot Topic but you tell everyone you got them at shows)--Dickies work pants. Blue, black or grey only--Argyle socks--Black converse shoes.

dressy emo look : Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types)--A silver necklace with a star charm—Scarves--A black or navy blue pea coat--Black messenger bag. No patches, 1 or 2 pins at the most (and only at the bottom of the strap)--Heavy dress slacks--Doc Martens or clunky black shoes.

So, what do u think ‘bout that??? Wanna try the emo style?? Don’t be scare to try something new, it’s gonna be cool when u wearing emo style in ur days.

And this is the emo hairstyle, Well that is an important point: you can recognise any emo by the hair. The emo hair, is really a complicated thing. Takes hours to get done, but once u done it (a day), youll be a perfect emo for the rest of the day (^^,). First of all, if your natural hair color is not black, or dark, you must paint it. If you have dark hair, then you can skip that part, and write poems in that 1 hour that you won for every week. After that, if you want emo hair, you must get a straightener, and streighten your hair to one side. If your hair is straight, you might do it with using some hair fixing cosmetics. To get an emo hair, you must made your shorter tufts at the back of your hade to point to the sky. (^^,) After you got it, to make sense for all day, you'd better to use hair spray to fix it for all day. In the beginning it could take up to an hour a morning to get all this done, but after a couple months you'll be a super emo, and be able to do your emo hair in 10 minutes.

This is how about emos music. Huff, let see… so, the roots of the emo music goes back to the 80s. The emo genre is a subdivision of the punk, wich is a subdivision of the goth. The popular hardcore punk rockbands were the first emo bands. After that they called it emocore, a word mare up from the emotional and hardcore words. The first breath of the emocore was the first part of the emo story, the first period. In 94s, in the garden of underground indie the emo music style just reborned, cause of Fugazi and the Dischord records. The second wave or period was still just inside the USA. But the third wave was sentenced for world popularity! It caused by the record companies that tried to made up a lot of emo formations, and bands, and bulid emo communities all around the world. We are still in this period, and that is the hottest little fashion on the streets right now. From nowdays, just to mention some bands: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, AFI, etc.

Emos boy, can I guess it?? I’ll tell u (^^,),the Emo Boy is usually listening "never heard about them" music, and dress up more exigent then a casual girl. An emo boy must have a lip-piercing, and some black makeup. And the hair is also really important: must be straightened to a side, and must hide an eye at least to be an emo boy (^^,) . Sometimes they wear a heard scarf, with tiny skulls on it. And the clothes: they like to wear skimped tshirts, and skimped jeans with a belt with rivets on it, and a skull as a buckle, wich could be recognised from really far. The emo boy usually have a tattoo or more, black painted nails, the super emo boy could have balck and white checked nails, that makes him a super emo boy. And for the last, the shoes! They all know what is a really cool secret sneaker! They like brands like converse, or anything similar to gym shoes.

And this is the emos girl, just like all kind of emos, that emop girl got unique style. Not just the surface, but they have unique taste in music: they are all emo band fanatics. Like all kinda emos they usually have piercings, 2 or 3 at least, but a lip piercing is a must have thing. The tipical straightened to the side, "i can't see anything with my left eye" hair is cool, and not only in black. An emo girl likes to mix the colors, they like the black hair, and some purple or white tuft or just anything from tha rainbow. The skimped tshirts, and oldskuul jumpers and sweatters. Hummm, and never miss the skimped black jeans, or trousers with one or two or more belts, and hundreds of chains on it. The shoes that you know it allready, an emo girl can’t be different in that, they like converse, or anything that looks like a gym shoes, only a litle difference, they use more colors. After the surface, they have special emotional things. They not shame at all to show their dissappointment or sadness. They like hangin with other emos and listening to emo music with other emo girls or emo boys.

Emos love is deeper than anyother love in this worl, more than romeo and Juliet. The most awesome love in the world, but…if u break it, u never can’t fix it.The emo kid boy or girl, “like in everything” is an outstanding thing in everything, so in love as well. The emo love is different from other daily relations, feelings, or anything "normal". It is bright if you just got the meaning of the emotional word. If your lover is an emo not like you, be really careful with his or her feelings, never let him or her down, or leave alone, you can easilly scruw up everything. And that's an other thing, the emo love between emos. That's a deep thing. They getting on really good, cause they have the same feelings, they can understand each other a lot better than any other couple. But the break up is really dangerous after an emo love. That is the point, when everyone who don't know anything about the emo just say: "stupid emos". After the emo love, they feel like there's nothing in this world to live for. That deep trauma, an shock cause of the break up make them to try to commit a suicide. If they survive it, it still take a lot of time to get ready to continue the life after emo love.